Entender la reflexología

Reflexoterapia: Bases neurológicas

“Hasta hace poco tiempo, los conocimientos neurológicos no permitían una explicación científica convincente del mecanismo de acción de las técnicas reflexo-terapéuticas, utilizadas cada vez más, especialmente, en síndromes dolorosos…

Afortunadamente, los notables avances de las neurociencias, en estos últimos decenios, debidos en gran    parte a las nuevas técnicas de marcaje neuronal y de registro electrofisiológico, han proporcionado una base sólida para explicar satisfactoriamente el modo de actuar las diferentes reflexoterapias.”

Dr. Luis María Gonzalo, Catedrático de Anatomía. Director del Dpto. de Anatomía, Universidad de Navarra "Reflexoterapia: Bases neurológicas" Ed. EUNSA

La estimulación en reflexología induce un proceso somatosensorial en conexión con el àrea reflejo estimulado. La neuroimagen permite examinar las bases de los efectos reflexològicos.

"Somatotopical relationships between cortical activity and reflex areas in reflexology: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study". por Nakamaru T, Miura N, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Fuente Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan.


Entender como funciona la estimulación reflexológica, un estudio clínico: mas allá del factor humano

Muchas mujeres con cáncer de pecho eligen la reflexología como terapia complementaria: consiste en estimular manualmente puntos específicos de los pies, los reflejos.

La reflexología demostró su potencial en controlar los síntomas vinculados a los tratamientos oncológicos y en mejorar las funciones físicas de los pacientes, aunque, a este día, (Jul 19, 2011) no se conoce a fondo su mecanismo de funcionamiento. Con el objetivo de mejor entender como funciona la reflexología, independemente del factor humano, se ha creado un sistema robótico capaz de administrar protocolos reflexológicos específicos a pacientes con cancer de pecho.

Se confimó que era realizable crear este sistema, que era seguro, y apropiado para pacientes que habían sobrevivido a su cancer de pecho (n= 13).
Se confirmó también que era eficaz en controlar los síntomas de los pacientes bajo quimioterapia por cancer de pecho (n= 13), mejorando a la misma vez su estado funcional.
Se observo una mejora notable en la severidad de los síntomas de las mujeres con  quimioterapia comparando su estado pre-reflexologia, y su estado post-reflexología.

"Understanding the role of stimulation in reflexology: development and testing of a robotic device". por Flynn LL, Bush TR, Sikorskii A, Mukherjee R, Wyatt G. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2011 Sep;20(5):686-96. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2011.01268.x. Epub 2011 Jul 19. Fuente: Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. Publicación: © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. PMID: 21771134 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Reflexología: mas que un masaje de los pies

La reflexoterapia es algo más que un simple masaje para relajarnos. A pesar de que produce una sensación agradable y placentera, su realización alivia algunos tipos de dolores concretos. Principalmente es un masaje de pies, aunque se puede realizar en otras partes del cuerpo.

Este método de autocuración es para muchos un misterio. Poco se sabe de sus propiedades curativas, y hay quien cree que se encuentra dentro de esa medicina natural en la que pocos creen.

Sin embargo, es una terapia alternativa, similar a la acupuntura o a la cromoterapia, cuya utilización y realización mejora considerablemente algunas patologías.

Su origen real procede de la acupuntura china y de algunos estudios ya realizados durante el siglo XIX en los que realizaban prácticas similares. ¿Por qué el pie? Esta parte del cuerpo es un pequeño mapa de órganos y determinadas zonas, por lo que presionando en la zona indicada, se llega directamente a la zona dañada.

¿En qué consiste este tratamiento? Es fácil, el terapeuta presiona ciertas partes del pie, lo que hace que ponga las terminaciones nerviosas en funcionamiento. Gracias a esa presión manual, el cuerpo va autocorrigiendo la dolencia. Por norma general, el órgano o la parte dañada dolerá más cuando se toque la zona del pie ligada con este área, que normalmente será un pinchazo fuerte. Aunque hay determinadas zonas que también pueden doler, aunque no por eso significa que algo va mal. Es el caso de los ganglios linfáticos, el tálamo o el hipotálamo.

En la primera sesión que se realiza, el terapeuta localiza las dolencias, y después de varias sesiones, se busca aplacar el dolor o al menos disminuirlo en gran medida. Lo único que se realiza es masajear esa zona ligada al dolor, para que este vaya siendo cada vez menor. Aunque esta "solución" no es apta para todo tipo de dolores. Está especialmente indicada para temas referidos con el estómago, como el estreñimiento o la acidez estomacal, relacionado el primer problema con el intestino y el segundo con el punto referido al estómago. El asma también se puede aliviar con este tratamiento, además de dolores propios de mujeres, como las menstruaciones dolorosas. Otras partes del cuerpo que pueden ser tratadas son los dolores de cuello, musculares, columna lumbar... Incluso depresiones, estrés, ansiedad, migrañas, dolores de muelas... Además de algunos tipos de infecciones agudas y crónicas.

Es el tratamiento ideal para encontrar el equilibrio mental y físico. Es un buen método de relajación, ya que ayuda a liberar el estrés y es una buena forma de ayudar a la autocuración cuando hay enfermedades y otros problemas físicos. Vale para cualquier edad, aunque cuanto más joven, mejor será la autocuración. Sin duda, es un buen método, que combinado con una buena salud y ejercicio físico convierte a este modo de vida el mejor para lograr un auténtico bienestar.

eleconomista.es Por Paloma Herce  6/08/2012

Relación entre mente y cuerpo, estrés y enfermedad científicamente demostrada

Psiconeuroinmunoendocrinología, emociones y enfermedad

Aunque desde tiempos muy remotos se sospechaba la relación entre el sufrimiento físico o emocional y la aparición o exacerbación de enfermedades.

No existía suficiente evidencia científica para poder afirmarla. En los últimos 25 años las investigaciones en este campo han confirmado, que la interacción entre el psiquismo, el sistema nervioso central y el organismo es mucho más compleja y dinámica de lo que se pensaba; y que los sistemas inmunes, endocrino y nervioso comparten un lenguaje común actuando coordinadamente en el mantenimiento de la homeostasis y la defensa.

Este artículo pretende explicar los mecanismos fisiopatológicos involucrados en el efecto de las emociones sobre la salud y la enfermedad, a través de responder algunas interrogantes sobre: la psiconeuroinmunología, la respuesta psiconeuroendocrina al estrés, los mediadores cerebrales, los efectos negativos del estrés crónico y la depresión y, finalmente las manifestaciones clínicas o enfermedades relacionadas con el distrés.

"Psiconeuroinmunoendocrinología, emociones y enfermedad:una revisión" Tivizay Molina de González-Méndez Unidad de Medicina Interna. Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de los Andes. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de los Andes. Mérida. Venezuela. 

Psiconeuroinmunología y cáncer 

Este artículo hace una revisión de varios estudios que investigan la relación entre el sistema inmune, el sistema nervioso central y los estados emocionales.

Fragmento: "El estrés es un proceso que se inicia desde una evaluación primaria que realiza el sujeto de su entorno y mediante la cual puede interpretar un determinado estimulo o información como amenazante, que bien puede ser el caso del diagnóstico o tratamiento de una enfermedad como el cáncer. Desde ese momento el sujeto inicia un proceso de afrontamiento o utilización de sus recursos para controlar la situación presente, lo cual implica una serie de cambios neuroendocrinos que repercuten finalmente en el sistema inmune... Estrategias biocomportamentales que involucran la autorregulación y cuyas modalidades incluye relajación, imaginería, estrategias asistidas de biorretroalimentación, el uso del humor, la hipnosis y la meditación resultan de gran valor en la búsqueda del aumento de la función inmune y por lo tanto de la salud... permiten el aumento de la sensación de control y la sensación de bienestar, elementos que juegan un papel esencial en el progreso de cualquier enfermedad."

"Psiconeuroinmunología y cáncer" Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Boletín de Psicología 2000 Abril, Vol. 2 No. 1. Javier Rico

Robert Ader: Estres y enfermedad 

El New York Times (Nov. 2011) rende homenaje al Dr. Robert Ader, que vinculó el rol del mental sobre el inmunológico y la enfermedad: abrió puertas a la medicina moderna.

Un artículo en ingles que nos explica la interconexión entre la mente y el cuerpo.

"Stress and illness" A mind and body article by the New York Times (in English - Nov. 2011)


Interconexión del cerebro y del “segundo cerebro: el sistema nervioso entérico en los intestinos

El estudio del “segundo cerebro” - llamado así por el Dr. Gershon quién evidenció que el 95% de la serotonina que fabricamos se alberga en los intestinos - la neurogastroenterología, puede explicar muchas disfunciones digestivas (el estreñimiento por ejemplo), así como el estrecho vinculo que existe entre el estrés emocional y las disfunciones fisiológicas.

El huevo o la gallina? Psicología o fisiología? Este artículo evidencia la realidad holística de la persona física, mental y emocional.

La reflexología, la hipnoterapia, se inscriben dentro de las técnicas terapeúticas que respectan esta realidad.

"The other brain deals with many woes" Harriett Brown por el The New York Times. Oct 11, 2011

El segundo cerebro condiciona también nuestra salud

Alojado en los intestinos, podría estar relacionado con enfermedades como el autismo o la osteoporosis:  El sistema nervioso entérico o “segundo cerebro” se encuentra situado en nuestros intestinos, y está compuesto por 100 millones de neuronas.

La revista Scientific American analiza el curioso funcionamiento de esta red neuronal, gracias a la que “sentimos” ciertas emociones en la tripa, y también gracias a la que nuestro organismo hace la digestión sin contar con la ayuda del cerebro principal.

En la revista se analizan asimismo los resultados de las últimas investigaciones al respecto, que señalan que el segundo cerebro estaría relacionado con diversas enfermedades, como el autismo o la osteoporosis.

"El segundo cerebro también condiciona nuestra salud" por Yaiza Martínez. Tendencias científicas 21 febrero 2010

La nueva medicina integrativa

Un artículo sobre el futuro de la medicina: la medicina holística.

La medicina convencional integra progresivamente las terapias naturales. Los nuevos programas de estudios médicos ya integran algunas de ellas.

El artículo explica como los últimos descubrimientos científicos sobre la interconexión del cuerpo y de la mente justifican la emergencia de la medicina holística. (artículo en ingles)

 "What is integrative medecine" Katherine Kam, por WebMD 

Los pensamientos positivos y el placebo curan 

Bruce Lipton, PhD es un biólogo celular estadounidense, considerado una de las principales y más controvertidas voces en la nueva biología, contraria al paradigma darwinista y partidaria de que el entorno y la cooperación y no los genes son el auténtico motor de la vida.

Es autor de Biología de la creencia y Biología de la transformación.

 "Los pensamientos positivos y el placebo curan"26 dic 2011, por Montse Cano - Revista Integral
Reflexologia cuerpo mente barcelona reflexology../..


Càncer y fatiga

TV1 Francia emite esta vídeo (en francés) sobre los recursos - incluyen la reflexología, para luchar contra la fatiga en oncología: "Como tratar la fatiga de la quimioterapia?


Una video en homenaje al Doctor David Servan-Schreiber

David Servan-Schreiber (21 de abril de 1961 – 24 de julio de 2011) fue un médico, neurocientífico y escritor francés.

Fue profesor de psiquiatría clínica en la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Pittsburgh. También fue profesor universitario en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Servan-Schreiber nació en Neuilly-sur-Seine, Altos del Sena.

Fue cofundador y luego director del Centro para Medicina Integrativa del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Pittsburgh.
Siguiendo su actividad voluntaria como médico en Iraq en 1991, fue uno de los fundadores de la delegación norteamericana de Médicos Sin Fronteras, organización internacional premiada con el Nóbel de la Paz en 1999.
También sirvió como voluntario en Guatemala, Kurdistán, Tayikistán, India, y Kósovo. Fue también miembro fundador del Environmental Health Trust y un líder en los esfuerzos para promover el uso seguro del teléfono móvil.

 En 2002 fue galardonado con el Premio Presidencial de la Sociedad Psiquiátrica de Pensilvania de Destacada Trayectoria en Psiquiatría(Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society Presidential Award for Outstanding Career in Psychiatry).

Es el autor de Healing Without Freud or Prozac (traducido a 29 idiomas, 1,3 millones de copias vendidas), y Anticancer: A New Way of Life (traducido a 35 idiomas, best-seller del New York Times, un millón de ejemplares impresos) en el que revela su propio diagnóstico de un tumor cerebral maligno a los 31 años de edad y el programa de tratamiento que se aplicó para ayudarse a sí mismo más allá de la cirugía, quimioterapia y radioterapia. (fuente Wikipedia)

Dr. David Servan-Schreiber (fuente: CBC, video en inglès)

Dr. Otto Warburg - Premio Nobel por su tesis: 

"La Causa Primaria del Cáncer"

En esta video: la importancia de una dieta equilibrada y alcalina (video en español)

"La causa primaria del cáncer"

(Reflexoterapia, reflexología, reflexology, barcelona, terapias naturales, dieta alcalina, cáncer)

Cancer, terapias naturales, complementarias, dieta, alcalina, reflexologia, reflexoterapia, reflexology, barcelona

Entrevistas y artículos de Barcelona Reflexología

Barcelona Reflexologia en "Buscant el benestar"

Entrevista por Aure Farran del periódico Ara.cat (15/8/2012)
página 1
página 2


Barcelona Reflexologia en Tv Llobregat, programa   "Forma de Vida"


Barcelona Reflexología en "Deja que tus pies marquen la ruta .::. Estar Bien"
Revista "Estar Bien" - 11 enero 2013

Barcelona Reflexología en  TV 25, programa "Tierra de sueños"   11 feb.2012


Barcelona Reflexologia en el Barcelona Metropolitan, "A serious Alternative", 3/01/11


Benedicte Taillard at Barcelona Women´s Network:  Promoting the Benefits of Reflexology

When you ask Benedicte Talliard where she is from, the answer gets a little bit complicated. Born in Senegal to French parents, she grew up in both America and Australia.  With such a unique, multicultural background, she found it easy to continue her travels and live in many countries such as Vietnam, New Caledonia, France, and Germany before finally settling in Barcelona, Spain.

But while defining "home" may have been a challenge for Benedicte at times in her life, identifying her talents was not.

Living in so many countries provided her the opportunity to understand and adapt to multiple cultures and languages, and she was able to hone her skill and develop it into a business. "My education is in cross-cultural communication and interpretation.  My language service is called Benedicte Taillard. I work with both businesses and individuals in offering language classes, translations and interpretation, recruitment, and conduct seminars on cross-cultural communication."

However, being gifted in communication wasn't Benedicte's only talent.

From a young age, she felt a special connection to her sense of touch.  "I've always felt that my hands were especially sensitive. For example, I would play the piano and feel the cords vibrate through my finger. Or, I would collect stones and wood pieces for their soothing feel, and I would ease people´s discomforts when foot massaging them."

But later, during a time in her life when she needed to ease her own physical ailments, Benedicte's unique abilities took on a whole new importance and meaning. She became even more interested in natural therapies, and and was shown specific reflexology techniques to alleviate her condition. This, coupled with a more natural lifestyle, diet, and exercise, was the key to her recovery and, ultimately, a new passion and career.   "I looked for the best reflexology school and found it in Florida-- The International Institute of Reflexology.  Unfortunately, I could not manage the program with both work and children. However, soon after, I found that the school also had a branch in Toulouse, France, just three hours from Barcelona.  Even more amazing, I discovered that the director was a friend of mine from back when I was 20 years old and living in New Caledonia! I took this as a definite sign. I joined the program, studied, and graduated from it."

After graduation, Benedicte founded Barcelona Reflexologia, where she works as a foot and hand reflexologist at her downtown practice.  She also makes house visits and volunteers with various health associations (as in oncology, and with Parkinson disease).

In her work, she uses pressure techniques on specific reflex points on both the feet and hands, which are connected to the body´s organs and tissues. This produces a neurochemical response, which stimulates all physiological functions and provides  a natural way to allow the body and mind  to find their own balance or homeostasis.    From her own personal experiences, Benedicte believes everyone can benefit from this most natural of therapies.  "

Reflexology is for anyone who seeks the benefits of a natural, non invasive, holistic therapy--whether to help treat a common ailment or a severe condition, physical or mental," she explains. "People visit me for colds, head or back aches, ear infections, as well as for chemotherapy side-effects, depression, and post-operatory recovery.

Reflexology is also for anyone who  doesn´t seek traditional therapy  because today, no one is free from contamination effects (from what we eat, drink, breathe or touch), and everyone suffers from stress, which is a major cause of all illnesses. One of the first benefits of reflexology is that it provides immediate and total relaxation. So aside from being an excellent complementary therapy, reflexology is also preventive."

Benedicte says that one the best part of her work is that it allows people to discover their own potential for recovery and balance "I show the people who visit me basic self-help techniques so that anyone can become his or her own health decisionner when it comes to reflexology."

Through reflexology, Benedicte has been able to merge both her skill sets.  She finds that being able to communicate with her clients in Spanish, English, French and also somewhat in Catalan and German provides additional benefit to them.  "Reflexology is an extension of communication," she explains. "People who visit open up and free themselves from their pain. There often is a great deal of verbal communication and listening before the treatment and before the power of therapeutic touch conveys more body listening, empathy, comprehension, and vital energy." She has also been able to use join communication and reflexology skills in scholarly achievements.  "I was trusted with the translation of several reflexology best sellers to French and Spanish. I was also trusted to represent the International Institute of Reflexology  here in Spain, where we train and graduate students in the same programs as at the original Florida school."

Another part of Benedicte´s work is to further develop awareness of Reflexology as a health tool. " One of my goals is to promote reflexology in Spain, so that everyone may know and benefit from it. This I do by proposing small information conferences, free “discovery” sessions in natural health stores and centers, offering volunteer work, translating reflexology works, being on the Internet and social media sites such as Facebook wherever possible, etc... But more particularly, by  teaming up with medical doctors and other health practitioners in health centers, associations, and hospitals: Benedicte has  recently co-founded Reflexologia Asociación, the objective of which is the development of reflexology as a complementary therapy within integrative medecine.

In the end, when asked what she considers her greatest achievement to be, Benedicte says: “ Rather than mine, I have the renewed satisfaction of witnessing the person´s own achievement as they start enjoying their bettered condition and realise it is from their own – body and mind - doing, through reflexology.

An interview with Reflexologist Benedicte Taillard by MumAbroad

Benedicte is a highly trained and experienced reflexologist for both adults and children. 

What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a natural, non-invasive, harmless complementary therapy,
where the therapist manually and digitally applies systematic pressure to
reflex points on the feet and hands impacting and helping the body's
multiple mechanisms to perform their roles and to achieve a homeostatic

What are the benefits of reflexology?
Reflexology helps to relieve from stress, and to release toxins from the
body. It improves circulation, and reduces pain. It may help many health
problems to decrease. However, every person being a world of his own,
reflexology cannot be a promise to cure an illness. In fact, reflexology
does not treat a problem in particular, but rather, it helps in achieving
an homeostatic balance: a state of health and well-being.

How does it work?
There are more than 7000 nerve terminations in our feet, connecting to all
of our body's systems, organs and tissues. By applying pressure techniques
to these reflex areas and specific points, the reflexologist actually
stimulates them to have them do their natural work towards balance, or

What are its origins?
Archeological evidence in Egypt and China trace back the use of reflexology
as a natural medical tool to over 5000 years. It has since then been
rediscovered and used time and again all over the world. At the end of the
19th Century, an American physical therapist by the name of Eunice Ingham,
working with Dr. Shelby Riley, and Dr. W. H. Fitzgerald, actively studied,
and chartered reflexology making it accessible and revealing its therapeutic
values to the western world and its medical communities. Eunice Ingham
through her worldwide lectures, her books, and her International Institute
of Reflexology, today headed by her nephew Dwight Byers, contributed to today's
widespread use of reflexology in our world's modern medicine to the extent
that she is known as the "Mother" of Reflexology..

Is it true to say that reflexology does not 'treat' symptoms as such but
looks for the cause?
Absolutely. Reflexology is a holistic therapy that considers the person as a
whole: body, mind and spirit, and encourages their balance with their
environment. Unlike conventional medicine where you will be given an
aspirin to do away with a headache that may be due to stress although
aspirin will not cure stress, the basis of reflexology as with other
holistic therapies is to treat the root cause of the misbalance, or illness.
It is important however to underline that, reflexology is not, and should
not be seen as, a substitute for a medical treatment but works as a
complement to such treatment

What prompted you to become a reflexologist?
I have always believed in the soothing and often healing power of touch. And
I have also always felt my hands to be particularly sensitive, maybe even
"intuitive" so to speak. Until one day I realized that, as with everything,
there had to be a reason, and understood that I was meant to use them to
the possible benefit of others. (I was myself not well and was given reflexology, and other therapeutic touch therapies, for the first time, and remember not having been at all surprised by its very positive effects. Naturally! I altogether cured from my distresses.)
This prompted me to look into touch therapies, particularly reflexology as a professional activity. And I studied it. From then on, reflexology, more than an activity, Really became a new more natural, sounder way of life, which came together with the fulfillment of knowing that I was doing what I was meant to do.

How is the practice of reflexology regulated?
To this day, there is no regulation of the practice of reflexology, in
Spain, Catalonia or elsewhere. In 2007, the Generalitat did pass a
regulatory decree on the most commonly used natural therapies - among which
reflexology - but under the pressure of various medical and
physiotherapists´ associations interested in maintaining their privileges,
the decree was annulled. However, the European Forum for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine (EFCAM), part of the European Public Health Alliance
(EPHA), and RIEN association are currently working to promote regulated
integrated healthcare - and reflexology - in Europe, on the basis of Paul
Lannoye´s 1995 report. EDIREFLEX, nationwide reflexology association based
in Barcelona, adheres to RIEN. It is thus very important for natural therapy users to verify that their therapists are fully trained and experienced in their field.

With which type of childhood conditions is reflexology most appropriate?
The professional reflexologist adapts a specific treatment protocol to each
person, for each condition, with every visit, naturally working in harmony
with the person to help reach a general balance, and thus remove or reduce
any possible underlying condition. This makes it a suitable therapy for
almost anyone, regardless of age or condition. Again, reflexology is
harmless and non-invasive: babies and children benefit from reflexology as
much as do adults, and senior people.

Is reflexology used for both physical and emotional conditions?
Absolutely. The professional reflexologist is trained to take a full medical
history by asking relevant, but searching, questions which could reveal any
condition in the person's physical or emotional aspects.

What is the most common condition among children you see in Barcelona?
Children seem to be increasingly suffering from nose-ear and throat
ailments, and allergies. Many parents also seem to be concerned with
hyperactivity affecting their child. I also frequently show parents how to
gently do reflexology massages to their colicky babies.

Some believe that reflexology can be more effective when used on children
than adults - why is this?
I would not say that reflexology is more effective on children, but rather
that children are particularly responsive to reflexology. There are two
possible reasons: first, children have not yet experienced the difficulties
of life, so they carry less emotional baggage than grown-ups. Second, their
conditions can only be fairly new, thus less resistant to treatment.

From what age can a child benefit from reflexology?
As previously said, there is no age limit in reflexology.

Do parents often come to see you after conventional medical care has failed
to help cure a child's condition?
I often have parents visiting for help with children who seem to be
temporarily difficult, and who are seeking a natural way to help their
children with their stress or excitement.
Parents also have their children visit for preventive reasons, after
recurrent ear infections, or chronic allergies for example.
But I always stress the importance of visiting a doctor or pediatrician if
the family has not seen or is not seeing one, and that a reflexologist is
not a doctor, and can not diagnose nor prescribe. I explain that reflexology
is a complementary therapy.

Can reflexology be used in tandem with conventional medicine to cure a
Reflexology works very well with conventional medicine,
psychological treatments, as well as with other natural therapies (plants,
acupuncture, quiro, physiotherapy, etc...)

Are you concerned that treating potentially serious illnesses with
reflexology, which has no proven efficacy, could delay the seeking of
appropriate medical treatment?
The use of reflexology in our Western medicine is fairly recent: even if
still very small, there is a growing number of studies that reveal its
efficacy in various ailments, and research is constantly being developed.
However and again, I would always immediately refer a person to a doctor if
he is not seeing one, particularly in case of a potentially serious illness.

If a child is suffering from say, asthma, how do you go about assessing
his/her needs?
Although reflexology does not treat any specific problem, the professional
reflexologist sets up a holistic treatment protocol for each visit,
focusing it on addressing the specific needs , as well as any possible needs of the person
at that time. In case of asthma, the protocol would include treating asthma
as a debilitating symptom (chest, lungs and bronchi, adrenals, ileocecal valve,
diaphragm...), as well as its possible root causes, which may be nervousness or an
emotional condition. A professional reflexologist has received a holistic training, which
includes anatomy, physiology, pathology, and has learned to take full
medical histories as well as to make searching questions that may lead to
the possible causes for illness or ill-being.

Talk us through a typical reflexology session?
There is no typical reflexology session, because there is no typical person.
Childrens´sessions are usually shorter and more frequent than for adults. A
few minutes every day for babies, from 15 to 30 minutes for children, every
day or up to every 4-6 days, depending on each person and on the pathology. Grown-ups sessions may take from 45 minutes to an hour and a half. May be
every day, every week, or every month. In any case, the reflexologist takes time to meet the patient and adapt to his communication style and comfort needs. He will always take medical
history and thoroughly listen to the person for any non medical information
and will note anything he feels is relevant. Then he will draw his
protocol. He will comfortably install the person in a reclining reflexology
chair, after having asked him to take his shoes and socks off, and will
create a relaxing atmosphere (soft music, dim lights, warm blanket...). He
will "read" the feet for additional information (remember: the whole person
is reflected in the feet. Experienced reflexologists can learn a lot about
the person and his ailments through them). He will always explain
reflexology, and how he works, to any new patient. He will apply a few
relaxing techniques to the feet to put them into condition before starting
the treatment. And he will look for reactions from the patient during
treatment, and will note any relevant information on the patient's chart. He
will end the treatment with relaxing techniques..The patient by that time
may have fallen asleep...

How many sessions does a child need before he/she is 'cured'?
There is no typical response time in children or in adults, because everyone
is different. The response may be immediate, or take 3, or 5, or more sessions.

If a parent reading this is concerned about their child in any way, at what
stage would you advise them to come to see you?
The sooner a treatment starts, the better: it always takes a person more
efforts to fight a condition if it is long-existing.

Would you recommend a session of reflexology for stressed-out parents?!
I would definitely recommend a session for stressed-out parents, for their
benefit as for the family's as a whole: Stress as well as calmness easily spreads to others.

How can people find you?
Appointments can be made Mondays to Saturdays on tel : 654 53 85 06 - mail :
b.taillard@yahoo.es I hold 2 clinics in Barcelona in Calle Tuset close to Diagonal, and in Calle Diputacio close to metro Rocafort. My web page is www.barcelonareflexologia.com

MumAbroad.com (April 2010)