En este año 2019, Reflexología sigue recibiendo cada vez mas atención por sus beneficios en la salud, como:
- Terapia complementaria al tratamiento médico o psicológico,
- Herramienta adicional en la búsqueda de la mejora de la calidad de vida.
Effects of reflexology on premenstrual syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Source: PubMed - 24 October 2019 - Publisher: BioPsychoSocial medicine
Results of the present study indicated that the reflexology could relieve PMS symptoms, so that overall scores, somatic and psychological symptoms of PMS decreased by applying the reflexology intervention.
A systematic review association of reflexology in managing symptoms and side effects of breast cancer treatment. Source: PubMed - 25 November 2019 - Publisher: Complementary therapies in clinical practice
The results showed that reflexology is associated with benefits for both psychological and physical aspects. Reflexology was reported to improve quality of life
The effectiveness of aromatherapy, massage and reflexology in people with palliative care needs: A systematic review. Source: PubMed - 29 October 2019 - Publisher: Palliative medicine
There was some evidence that compared to an active control, reflexology reduced pain.
Multiple Sclerosis and complementary health approaches. 19 November 2019 - Publisher: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
The American Academy of Neurology issued evidence-based guidelines on complementary and alternative medicine use for MS and concluded that evidence was available to develop practice recommendations for use of reflexology
Could complementary health approaches improve the symptom experience and outcomes of critically ill adults? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.Source: PubMed - 07 September 2019 - Publisher: Complementary therapies in medicine
No study-related adverse events or safety-related concerns were reported. There were statistically significant improvements in pain, anxiety, sleep, level of arousal, and duration of mechanical ventilation with reflexology. Evidence suggests CHAs including reflexolgy may reduce the symptom burden of critically ill adults.
Complementary Therapies Evidence-based information to help you self-manage your cancer experience Source: Penny Brohn Cancer Care - 01 August 2019
There is growing evidence to support reflexology as being effective in reducing cancer related pain and anxiety. Reflexology may also lead to reduction of fatigue and improved mood and quality of life.
A systematic review of complementary and alternative medicine in oncology: Psychological and physical effects of manipulative and body-based practices.Source: PubMed - 17 October 2019 - Publisher: PloS one
Most results showed positive and significant effects on symptom outcomes especially pain and fatigue. Refleoxlogy may also improve quality of life and mood.
Coping with your feelings Source: Marie Curie - 01 April 2019
Complementary therapies are given alongside your regular medical treatment. They focus on your wellbeing and may help you to feel more relaxed or to sleep better. They can also be used to relieve pain and tension in the body. Reflexology is a complementary therapy.